Is Linkmoney App Right For Me? (how to know for sure)

Linkmoney App is first and foremost for those who have a WordPress Amazon Affiliate site. Use this article to find out if Linkmoney App is right for you.

How do I know I need Linkmoney App for my WordPress Amazon Affiliate Website?

  1. Are part of the Amazon Associates Program and create and publish content to monetize your traffic?
  2. Do you know for sure all of your Amazon Affialtie links are healthy and not broken?
  3. Do you know for sure that all of your Amazon Affiliate links have “your” Amazon Store Code” in every affiliate link?
  4. Do you know for sure that all of your Amazon Affiliate links are not missing your Amazon Store Code?
  5. Are you looking for an “all-in-one-and-done” solution to check and fix all of your Amazon Affiliate Links?

If you answered yes to the above questions, then you have come to the right solution. Linkmoney App will find and automatically fix your affiliate links.

Fixing all of your Amazon Affiliate links will earn your more revenue from your website’s traffic the moment you do. Most sites take around 3-5 minutes to find, fix, and replace the errors. Here is an article called “Linkmoney App Reports Link Errors” to learn what affiliate link errors are found and automatically fixed.

Unless you are an Amazon Link expert, you can’t just look at or click an affiliate link to know if it is broken. It has to be run through a linkfixer.

What will Linkmoney App do for my Amazon Affiliate Website?

  1. Linkmoney App will check and find affiliate link errors. Here is an article called “Best Affiliate Link Checker” to learn how Linkmoney App is the best affiliate link checker for your Amazon Affiliate Website.
  2. Linkmoney App will automatically fix your Amazon Affiliate links. To learn how we automatically fix your affiliate take a look at this article called “The Best Affiliate Link Fixer, Ever“.
  3. Linkmoney App will provide an Amazon Affiliate Link audit for all of the affiliate links on your site. To learn about the Amazon Affiliate link audit, here is an article called “Linkmoney App Dashboard (Everything explained)
  4. Linkmoney App creates four online reports that detail every error and solution for all of the affiliate links on your website. To learn more about the Linkmoney App reports, start here with this article called “LinkMoney App Warnings Report (All Filters Explained)“. All the reports from your affiliate link audit can be accessed there.

What does “Automatically Fix” my Amazon Affiliate Links mean?

Before Linkmoney App, an owner and or operator of an Amazon Affiliate Website would have to find errors with their affiliate links, then go in and manually make the fixes to the links.

This task is so difficult, that most site owners and operators simply are unable to do it. There are just too many affiliate links and the time and energy to do it manually make checking and fixing the links nearly impossible and unaffordable.

Linkmoney App does all the work for you. No need for a team of linkfixers, or weeks and weeks of your time, just run Linkmoney App. We do all the work for you.

How do I fix my Affiliate Links?

The first step to fixing your Amazon Affiliate links is to know if there are any errors in the links. Linkmoney App is smart. it separates your internal and external links, and any other link types that are not Amazon Affiliate links. Then, it fixes your affiliate links and creates a Link Audit in your Dashboard.  You can read about the Linkmoney App Dashboard in their article called “Linkmoney App Dashboard (Everything explained)” to learn more about the dashboard and link audit.

Linkmoney App will scan your entire affiliate site and create reports that detail all the different errors that were automatically fixed.

What reports does Linkmoney App create?

After you run Linkmoney App, we create an online Affiliate Link audit of all of your Amazon Affiliate links. The Linkmoney App affiliate link audit is broken down by report. These reports are:

  1. The Dashboard: The Linkmoney App Dashboard tracks, gathers, and displays all of your Amazon Affiliate link information and metrics. See the Linkmoney App Dashboard in this post called “Linkmoney App Dashboard (Everything explained)“.
  2. Warning Report: The Linkmoney App Warnings Report shows unexpected or potential link problems found on your site. See the Linkmoney App Warning Report here in this post called “LinkMoney App Warnings Report (All Filters Explained)“.
  3. Non-Product Link Report: The Linkmoney App Non-Product Link Report is specific to the Amazon Products links on your site that are not going to an Amazon Product. An example of this could be that one of your Amazon products is going to an Amazon developer help page or a search page. The report also shows other errors and issues from your Amazon Affiliate links. See the Linkmoney App Non-Product Link Report here in this post called “Linkmoney App Non-Product Link Report (All Filters Explained)“.
  4.  Product link Report: The Linkmoney App Product link Report shows every “unique” link to discovered during the last scan and details any errors or issues with your Amazon Affiliate links. See the Linkmoney App Product Link Report here in this post called “Linkmoney App Product Link Report (All Filters Explained)“.
  5. Detailed Report: The Linkmoney App Detailed Report is a detailed view of all the updates made to your Amazon Affiliate links for the last time you ran a scan. See the Linkmoney App Detailed Report here in this post called “Linkmoney App Detailed Fixed Report (All Filters Explained)“.

Linkmoney App will check and automatically fix all of your Amazon Affiliate links for errors and report those errors to you.

Knowing what the errors are with your Amazon Affiliate links will help you not create new errors. But even if new errors are created, just run Linkmoney App again to fix everything.

You can have several different types of errors breaking your Amazon Affiliate links and never know.

There are many reasons you could be losing valuable revenue from your broken or malformed Amazon Affiliate links.

Affiliate links on our site can look fine to the eye and even click to Amazon- and still be broken. Here is an article called “What does a broken Amazon Affiliate link look like?” to learn more about affiliate link issues.

Malformed links are a huge problem with Amazon Affiliate Publishers. To learn more about malformed links and how they happen, you can read this article called “What Is A Malformed Amazon Affiliate Link?“.

There are many different types of errors that Amazon Affiliate links Linkmoney App detects. Here is a list of all the different types of errors Linkmoney App looks for and fixes in this article called “Linkmoney App Reports Link Errors (all detectable link errors explained)“.

For most of us, many of these are undetectable because we are not Amazon Affiliate link experts.

How many Amazon Affiliate Links are on a typical affiliate site?

An Amazon Affiliate website can have many thousands of affiliate links referring readers to Amazon. Bellow are some averages. But as the writing of this article the largest amount of Amazon Affiliate links Linkmoney App has found was 978,000.

Website postsLinks in postNumber of links on your site

The above table assumes ten affiliate links on each Amazon Affiliate post.

Below is an actual scan from an affiliate site from a Linkmoney App check and fix.

This is a screenshot of the Linkmoney App Dashboard Audit metrics

Links Evaluated– this is the total number of links on the site that ran Linkmoney App. This site had 146,015 links.

Affiliate Links– this is the total number of Amazon Affiliate links on the site. In this example, there were 15,797 affiliate links from the 146,015 links evaluated.

Linkmoney App also scans and even converts into standard Amazon Affiliate link formats (removes the shortlink) if you choose. To learn more about how Linkmoney App works with shortcode and short links, here is an article called “What Short Links and Shortcode Does Linkmoney App Support (And Which Ones It Doesn’t)?”

That is a lot of affiliate links to check and fix on a single website. Linkmoney App fixed this website in about 4 minutes.

How does using Linkmoney App to check and automatically fix your Amazon affiliate links save time and money?

The straight simple answer is Linkmoney App will do the work for you compared to if you check and fix every single link menu manually. Below is a table that estimates the time it takes to check and fix affiliate links.

How many posts are on your affiliate site?Average number of links per post.Number of affiliate links on your site.An average number of hours for you to find, fix and report all your affiliate links.Average time for Linkmoney App to find, fix and report your affiliate links.
200 102,00028 hours*A few minutes
500105.00056 hours*A few minutes
1,0001010,000117 hours*A few minutes

*The table assumes:

  1. You have a way to find your broken affiliate links.
  2. You are able to export all of your broken affiliate links into a workable project management system to manage the project.
  3. The project has a QA stage in place to make sure all the broken affiliate links are actually being fixed.

It is safe to say, checking, finding, and fixing all the Amazon Affiliate links on an Amazon Affiliate website is a huge task for a person and even a team.

How much does it cost to check, find and fix broken affiliate links without Linkmoney App?

Below is a table of estimated contractor costs. This assumes the contractor is already trained and you have the project already set up for fixing your affiliate links.

Cost per hour for contractorNumber of posts on your affiliate siteHours to find and identify affiliate link issues Number of issues you found that need to be fixed*Hours to fix the affiliate link issues Cost to have your site’s affiliate links healthy and making money**
$1520023 hours1005 hours$420
$3020023 hours1005 hours$840
$1550046 hours20010 hours$840
$3050046 hours20010 hours$1,680
$151,00092 hours50025 hours$1,755
$301,00092 hours50025 hours$3,510

How does Linkmoney App make me money more money?

Use Linkmoney App to check, find, and automatically fix your affiliate links and not only save time and money in effort and labor, but as soon as you do, you make more revenue from your freshly fixed affiliate links.

You already have the web traffic, so when every affiliate link on your site is good and healthy- you make more money after Linkmoney Finishes. it is really that simple.

Conclusion- You need to know if ALL your Amazon Affiliate Links are making you money

An Amazon Affiliate site can have thousands of affiliate links.

Those links can have errors, be malformed, missing Amazon Store Codes, have someone else’s store codes, or go somewhere other than where they should go.

Use Linkmoney App and not only know for sure, but our system will do the work for you.

Recommended Reading

Why do I have more than one Amazon Associates Store ID on my Niche website?

What is LinkMoney App?












Charles Joyner

Charles Joyner

Hello, I am a fellow Niche Website Publisher. Like you, I’m always looking to earn the most revenue I can from Amazon Affiliate websites. We created Linkmoney App so we all could earn more revenue from our hard work and time publishing and operating affiliate websites. I love all things SEO and Publishing! Software nerd since 1998. Leave me a “whoot!” in the comments if you read the article, and please comment on what would make it better. Thank you!

Get a Free Scan of your website

If you would like to see the condition of your Amazon Affiliate site, try our Free Scan tool.

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